The universe is completely in motion, even at first sight, static things have a certain vibration that we can not perceive by the eye. Our body is designed to move as well. Still, we've gotten to the point where we've made it easy for us, not to have to do much in terms of motion....Read More
Swimming lessons or training have their own specific direction, and in today’s article, we’ll get closer to what structure they have and what you should do before you start. Basically is the structure of swimming lesson for all categories very similar. If you train by yourself, you might want to try to stick to our recommendations.Read More
How to properly train in the swimming lane to avoid slowing down other swimmers or vice versa? This is what we will look at in this article. These rules are mostly known to swimmers, less among fitness athletes and beginner swimmers, and almost the majority of the public do not know these rules at all. If there...Read More
I’m almost daily at the pool, and sometimes with a shaking head, I watch what people are able to drop out from their mouth or a certain behaviour, whether it is hygienic habits or just not being rude. In this article, I would like to devote myself to general education and the situation on the...Read More
Investing in the right equipment at the beginning is useful and can save you a lot of frustration with running glasses, a high resistance of your loose boardshorts or hair in the face. In this article, we’ll go through everything that a beginner swimmer should have. At the end of the article, I also include...Read More
When you look at other swimmers who glide smoothly through the water, swimming may seem easy. But it’s harder than it looks. Unfortunately, swimming has a relatively long learning curve. You have to have the right expectations before you learn to swim. Otherwise, you could give up when it becomes difficult, which we do not want....Read More
One of the basic swimming skill is correct breathing. Learn this art before you actually learn to swim, you can start at home. Many people say they can swim, but the difference is when you swim with your head above water or you exhaling into the water. Let’s take a look at how to exhale into...Read More
I realized that I should learn how to swim when I was 29 years old and inside of a kayak in the South China Sea. My friends quickly jumped out of their kayak’s to swim in the beautiful lagoons along the coast of Vietnam. Unfortunately, my intense fear of the water paralyzed me and I...Read More